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Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Internal Audit's Relationship With External Audit Ask Wakeel . PK


Internal and External Audit

Does your company look profitable, but it's not in form, or is there corruption? Relax. Your answer is an internal audit. An internal audit ensures that all business activities company with the organization's rules and regulations (SOP). Again, the risk of fraud and misappropriation is reduced. Our Expertise

1.    Improve quality and productivity
2.    Develop strategies for conducting internal audits
3.    Improve audit results by updating internal control methods

 predictable and comprehensive audits using our methods, knowledge, and technical resources  Professional, with responsibility for quality and control We provide reliable internal and external audit services to avoid future trivial failures. An external audit provides significant assurance to an organization's shareholders.

That the financial statements prepared by the organization's management give  Intellectual Property Law  a "true and fair view" of the organization's condition. Not all organizations require an external audit, but you are required by law to have an external audit, but you do not. You have put yourself in the crosshairs of the authorities. Our approach to auditing is:

Are You Looking for an Assistant?

We work 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Whether you need a portrait at the police station, in the criminal courts, or at an investigative hearing, we can urge and assist you. Call our dedicated line at +9251 235 18 71 and speak to a member of our Audit service provider team.



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