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Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Lawyers Network Center for Reproductive Rights Ask Wakeel . PK


Lawyer Network

At AskWakeel.pk, our team consists of probably the best lawyers from all over Pakistan and we have team members in all cities of Pakistan. These lawyers provide a great form of legal assistance and are always appreciated and commented on by our clients. The moment you come to AskWakeel.pk, you will believe in our brand and we assure you that our services will meet your assumptions.

 We are changing the legal culture, we try to simplify  Immigration Lawyer Lahore legal services and we are open to everyone. Through our network of lawyers, we pool all our resources to solve complex legal problems. We also use our network of lawyers to advise and assist in very specialized legal situations, and we listen to a range of ideas from Ask Wakeel team members. We also consider it a "treasure trove of knowledge".

Our Goal

Our goal is to excel in our specialty by providing a first-class legal service. We provide answers we understand, with the speed and cost-effectiveness you need. We have the experience and resources to provide our clients with free initial legal advice, as well as legal assistance via the internet and legal documents or forms. Our clients can easily track the progress of their cases through our simple case tracking system.

We use our experience, extensive contacts, and areas of expertise to help our clients, large and small, individuals and businesses, resolve dismissals and find the right deals.

Our Philosophy

At AskWakeel.pk, we believe in giving the right advice. Our staff puts our clients' interests first and regularly advises each client, keeping them informed at every stage of the legal process. Our staff is committed to providing prompt, efficient, and responsive legal service, with an emphasis on quality advice. The importance of first-class standards should never be underestimated. We emphasize our commitment to adding value through exceptional partnerships with our clients.

Legal Services

Ask Wakeel's lawyers, attorneys, immigration consultants, and solicitors can be involved in follow-up work: Legal Representation: You can request legal assistance from our lawyers and solicitors in court, at trial, and in out-of-court proceedings. You can start your request by filling out our free request form with your contact information and a brief description of your current situation.

 If you are satisfied with our expertise and legal advice, please contact us by filling out the Vaklatnama. To proceed, click on the free consultation or  contact our head office. Legal Advice: you can use this service to request an opinion or receive legal advice. Your legal opinion  will be prepared within 2-3 business days. Please note, if you wish, that free legal advice is not intended to establish a client relationship.

 If you contact us for our legal advice or if we conduct direct legal research on your behalf, we will always charge you for this. Deeds, bonds, legal agreements, and contracts: Our commercial law department can help you draft contracts and intellectual Property Law clauses tailored to your needs. We can also help you register your documents Legal Assistance: Clients can request legal assistance from our firm on an annual basis.

 With the help of our partners, we will ensure that the most appropriate partner is in contact with you throughout the year. Our legal advisory service can benefit from receiving your brief, in which case we will inform you of our fees accordingly. The main advantage of our legal advice service is its cost-effectiveness. You pay a flat fee regardless of the number of legal questions you answer,

 whereas you will be charged an ongoing fee for individual legal assessments, for responding to legal communications, or for reviewing legal documents that are outside the scope of the legal advice service. The client must pay an ongoing fee for the review of legal documents that are outside the scope of the legal advice service.


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