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Tuesday, September 28, 2021



                              Consumer Laws in Pakistan

Consumers are important to both governments and businesses. According to Black's Law Dictionary, a consumer is "a person who purchases goods or services for personal, family, or household use, without intent to resell; a separate person who uses a product for personal, non-commercial purposes." Consumers are the backbone of the current economic structure.  

They are recognized throughout the world. Various laws Divorce & Lawyer In Pakistan exist to protect the consumer. Consumer satisfaction is a normal principle in urbanized markets. Each province and metropolitan area has its consumer protection laws. Like:

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The Act provides for the establishment of a district-level mechanism to deal with consumer disputes. It applies to all goods and services and covers all sectors, whether private, public, or personal. It provides for some form of redress and also adequate compensation for the consumer. Consumer courts have been empowered to arrest and fine people who do not comply with court orders.

When and how can a consumer go to a consumer court?

Under the Consumer Law, consumers are required to appear before the District Court in consumer cases.

§  If illegal, counterfeit, substandard, or expired products are sold.
§  If the merchant does not issue a receipt.
§  If a price list is not posted.
§  If the consumer requires a warranty for the product they are purchasing.
§  If the printer does not indicate the date of manufacture, expiration date, or ingredients.
§  If a product is sold through false advertising.
§  If the consumer has received improper assistance from a government or private organization or individual.

Requirements for filing a consumer complaint

The complaint must include the following information
  •  Name, address, and C.N.I.C number of the complainant
  • Contact information of the respondent
  •  A copy of the legal notice must be attached to the complaint
  •  Details of the complaint and the damage caused
  • Supporting documents (receipts, etc.), etc.
  • A request for exemption; and
  • An affidavit from the complainant.

Process of Filing a Case

It should be remembered that there are no legal fees associated with a petition, whether it is filed to protect consumer rights or not. However, the general public will not benefit from this demonstration. Consumers may also contact the district consumer Immigration Lawyer in Pakistan  protection committee if they have a complaint. All District Coordinating Officers (DCOs) are also authorized to receive these complaints. Consumers may also file a complaint with the District Consumer Court to seek redress.

We, ordinary workers, have not been able to exercise our basic rights due to a lack of interest and information. Moreover, this strategy is perceived as a waste of time and money. However, the consumer court offers individuals/applicants a quick remedy.

Our legal expert Assistance

The consumer can file a written complaint against the supplier of the defective goods after the expiration of the 15 days. Askwakeel.pk lawyers have extensive experience in consumer disputes. Therefore, you can take advantage of our consumer legal services in any case.

Why You Need US?

Ask Wakeel provides the best family solicitors in Pakistan. We know the sensitivity of such disagreements and deal quickly and effectively with your family dispute. Ask Wakeel has top family lawyers in Pakistan with complete knowledge of daily reforms and updates in Pakistan's Family Law.

Are You Looking for an Assistant?

We work 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Whether you need a portrait at the police station, in the criminal courts, or at an investigative hearing, we can urge and assist you. Call our dedicated line at +9251 235 18 71 and speak to a member of our criminal defense team.


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